Coming Soon!
Do you find yourself performing repetitive yet simple calculations for numerous clients, limiting the time for more specialised, lucrative work or causing back-logs at crucial times of the year?Well the solution is almost here - our suite of dynamic tax calculators, ready to be seamlessly integrated into your own website. This solution not only enhances brand credibility and boosts website traffic but also streamlines your processes, saving both time and money.
Some examples of integratable calculators we will be offering are:
- Self Employed
- Self Employed Vs Limited Company
- Capital Gains Tax
- R&D Tax Relief
- Inheritance Tax
- Contractor

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Why are we doing this?As tax experts, we understand clients want to know the best ways to reduce their tax liability and the impact different strategies will have. We have recognised where advice is repetitive and time consuming, or where similar manual calculations are constantly performed, and have streamlined this process, developing specific calculators that can be embedded into your website which can then be used by clients, saving you doing these repetitive calculations.How will it benefit you?Now, of course, there are numerous calculators already available online that you or your clients may already use. However, having the calculators embedded in your own website and branded as your own will be an additional benefit to you and your client. This additional benefit will in turn drive more traffic to your website, improve your search engine optimisation, and increase time spent on your website, therefore increasing the opportunity to upsell other services.We will offer this service with update support at a price that is considerably cheaper than the cost of developing these calculators in house. Visually, all calculators will be branded as your own and easily embedded into your website.

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